In Week 28 of our year-long Bible journey, we arrive at the book of Leviticus. This work was authored by Moses and intricately lays out laws and regulations for the Israelites. While contemporary Christians often gravitate towards other biblical texts, Leviticus played a crucial role in the Old Covenant, frequently serving as a foundational teaching for Jewish children.

While the detailed laws may seem distant to modern readers, the sacrificial system’s intricacies, which were very relevant in ancient times, still convey a profound message about the perpetual human need for repentance and renewal. Leviticus emphasizes God’s holiness and delves into the profound impact of sin on our relationship with God.

Beyond the intricacies of the laws, Leviticus communicates a profound theme – sanctification, the transformative process of becoming holy and set apart for God. Fortunately for us, the New Testament unveils Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice, eclipsing the need for animal offerings. Christians, redeemed by God’s grace through Jesus, are called to reflect on his character and be set apart for his purposes, offering themselves as living sacrifices for continual growth in Christlikeness.

Flexible Plan: Reading for Week 28

If you are following the flexible plan for reading the Bible in a year, here is your reading assignment. You can break up the reading however you like throughout the week!

Printable Resource: Bible in a Year Reading Plan: Weekly Assignments

7-Day Reading Assignment: Week 28

If you like to be more organized, the weekly assignment can be broken into seven sections:

Printable Resource: Bible in a Year Reading Plan: Daily Assignments

5-Day Reading Assignment: Week 28

Or if you know that you are likely to miss a day or two of reading, the weekly assignment can be broken into five sections:

Reflection Questions

After you finish reading Leviticus 1-21, consider the following questions:

  1. How did Leviticus address the needs of the Israelites, and how does understanding its cultural context enhance our grasp of its teachings?
  2. Reflect on the significance of the sacrificial system in Leviticus for repentance and renewal. How does its message resonate with contemporary believers?
  3. How does Leviticus emphasize God’s holiness and the impact of sin on our relationship with Him? How does this influence your view of God’s character and your need for repentance?
  4. Explore the theme of sanctification in Leviticus. How does the process of becoming holy resonate with your personal faith journey? How is sanctification applicable to our lives today?
  5. How does the link between Old Testament teachings in Leviticus and the New Testament revelation of Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice shape your understanding of God’s redemptive plan?
  6. In considering the concept of Christians offering themselves as living sacrifices, how does this align with continual growth in Christlikeness? What practical steps can you take to live out this calling daily?


As you read these passages, were there any Bible verses or themes that made an impact? If so, add a comment at the end of this post!

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