In Week 17 of our year-long journey through the Bible, we remain immersed in the pages of Exodus.

Last week, we dove into the harrowing accounts of Israelite enslavement, the miraculous preservation of baby Moses, and the extraordinary circumstances that led to Moses’ divine appointment as the leader and deliverer of his people.

This week, our exploration of the narrative of salvation continues as we navigate through Exodus chapters 4 to 15. Moses, now a pivotal figure, boldly confronts Pharaoh, the formidable ruler of Egypt, and demands the liberation of the Israelites. This confrontation unfolds dramatically, with Pharaoh’s stubborn resistance to releasing his valuable labor force leading to a series of intense events. In the end, God sends a cascade of devastating plagues, compelling Pharaoh to relent in the face of mounting calamity.

Upon gaining their long-awaited freedom, the Israelites begin their display of fluctuating faith and skepticism that eventually results in divine punishment in the form of forty years of aimless wandering in the unforgiving desert. As we delve into chapters 15 to 24, we will encounter a rich tapestry of narratives that illustrate God’s unwavering providence, the Israelites’ recurring discontent, Moses’ steadfast leadership, and the emergence of God’s sacred commandments.

Next week, our journey will continue and we will learn about God’s plan for the tabernacle, a place of worship that can be transported as the Israelites move through the desert.

Read: More Blog Posts from Exodus

Flexible Plan: Reading for Week 17

If you are following the flexible plan for reading the Bible in a year, here is your reading assignment. You can break up the reading however you like throughout the week!

Printable Resource: Bible in a Year Reading Plan: Weekly Assignments

7-Day Reading Assignment: Week 17

If you like to be more organized, the weekly assignment can be broken into seven sections:

Printable Resource: Bible in a Year Reading Plan: Daily Assignments

5-Day Reading Assignment: Week 17

Or if you know that you are likely to miss a day or two of reading, the weekly assignment can be broken into five sections:


As you read these passages, were there any Bible verses or themes that made an impact? If so, add a comment at the end of this post!

Related Resources

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