From Genesis to Acts: A Journey in the Bible

As we continue to read through the Bible in a year, this week we will finish the book of Genesis and start the book of Acts. If you are reading the Bible for the first time, both of these books are great follow-ons to one of the 4 Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Genesis: A Tale of Joseph

Genesis is the story of the beginnings of God’s people and the last chapters will conclude with a mean, but deserved, trick on Joseph’s brothers, followed by a family reunion. Both Joseph and his father Jacob remain in Egypt until their deaths, but they longed for a return to their homeland and requested that their bones be transferred there.

Additional Reading: More blog posts about Genesis.

The Book of Acts: Pentecost, Persecution, and Paul’s Missions

The book of Acts begins with the ascension of Jesus and continues through the history of what the apostles and other disciples did next. These first thirteen chapters will go through the coming of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost), the courage of the apostles during persecution, the dangers of lying to God, the stoning of Stephen, the conversion of Saul who later became Paul, the impact of Peter and Cornelius on the Gentile Church, and the beginning of Paul’s first mission trip.

Additional Reading: Resources for the Book of the Acts of the Apostles

Additional Reading: More blog posts about Acts.

A Survey: If you were a missionary, which continent would you choose?

Flexible Plan: Reading for Week 4

If you are following the flexible plan for reading the Bible in a year, here is your reading assignment. You can break up the reading however you like throughout the week!

Printable Resource: Bible in a Year Reading Plan: Weekly Assignments

7-Day Reading Assignment: Week 4

If you like to be more organized, the weekly assignment can be broken into seven sections:

Printable Resource: Bible in a Year Reading Plan: Daily Assignments

5-Day Reading Assignment: Week 4

Or if you know that you are likely to miss a day or two of reading, the weekly assignment can be broken into five sections:


As you read these passages, were there any Bible verses or themes that made an impact? If so, add a comment at the end of this post!

Related Resources

Visit the Joyful Moments in Christ homepage for all posts, or scroll through other blog posts related to reading the Bible in a year: