A Memory Verse

Usually, I like to memorize more positive verses, but Acts 3:13-15 can be quite helpful to remember our part in Jesus’ crucifixion. While the people in these verses had a very active role in choosing to have Jesus executed, the bigger reason that Jesus chose to go to his death was to atone for our sins. Even if we weren’t in the crowd, shouting for his crucifixion, every time we sin we are shouting for the need of a savior. Jesus chose to be that savior for us; a substitute that chose to take our death penalty.

13 The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his Servant Jesus, whom you delivered up, and denied in the presence of Pilate, when he had determined to release him. 14 But you denied the Holy and Righteous One and asked for a murderer to be granted to you, 15 and killed the Prince of life, whom God raised from the dead, to which we are witnesses.

Acts 3:13-15 (WEB)

As an exercise to remember the seriousness of our sins, each time we see the word “you,” let’s replace it with the word “I.”

“I handed Jesus over to be killed.”

Father please forgive me.

“I disowned Jesus before Pilate, though Pilate had decided to let him go.”

Father, please forgive me.

“I disowned the Holy and Righteous One and asked that a murderer be released to me.”

Father, please forgive me.

“I killed the author of life.”

Father, please forgive me.

“But God raised Jesus from the dead.”

Thank you, Father!

What good news that our sins will not keep Jesus in permanent death, but that by his voluntary choice of crucifixion, we can have life with Jesus. Every time I sin, I should ask God to remind me that these wrong actions are what caused Jesus to choose death. I thank God that Jesus loved me enough to not let me wallow in my sin and deserved punishment, but instead chose to sacrifice himself for me.

If you want an even more poignant reminder of what Jesus did for us, consider watching the Passion of the Christ. While this is probably the most disturbing movie I have ever watched, I do have a completely new appreciation for Jesus’ sacrifice. Once you have seen the images in this movie, there is no way to unsee them. Each time I sin, I try to picture the scenes from this movie and remember that God sees my sin as a serious problem.

Reflection Questions

As you reflect on these questions, consider listening to Stuart Townend’s How Deep the Father’s Love for Us.

  1. If you had been in the crowd of people asking for Jesus’ death, do you think that you would have resisted the crowd, or gone along with them? What are your reasons?
  2. Consider that the penalty for any sin is death. What is your typical reaction to personal sin?
  3. How does God see sin? How can you learn to take personal sin as seriously as God does?
  4. What does it mean that Jesus is our substitute, our savior? How can we show gratitude for this?

Reflective Prayer

Use this memory verse to pray using the ACTS method: Adoration, Confession, Thankfulness, Supplication

  • Adoration: Praise God. Does this verse bring any specific characteristics of God to mind?
  • Confession: Tell God that you are sorry for specific sins. Does this verse bring any specific sins to mind?
  • Thankfulness: Show gratitude towards God. Does anything from this verse inspire gratitude?
  • Supplication: Make requests for yourself and for others. Does anything from this verse inspire a prayer?

If helpful, you can use a prayer journal template.


As you consider the themes of sin causing Jesus’ Crucifixion, are there any Bible verses that came to mind? If so, add a comment at the end of this post!

Related Resources

Read: Acts 3 – A Bible Study about Peter Continuing Jesus’ Ministry of Healing

Read: Musings about Helping People in Need

Read: A Prayer for Those Suffering from Chronic Illness and Disability

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